;(function ( $, window, undefined ) {
/** Default settings */
var defaults = {
active: null,
event: 'click',
disabled: [],
collapsible: 'accordion',
startCollapsed: false,
rotate: false,
setHash: false,
animation: 'default',
animationQueue: false,
duration: 500,
fluidHeight: true,
scrollToAccordion: false,
scrollToAccordionOnLoad: true,
scrollToAccordionOffset: 0,
accordionTabElement: '
click: function(){},
activate: function(){},
deactivate: function(){},
load: function(){},
activateState: function(){},
classes: {
stateDefault: 'r-tabs-state-default',
stateActive: 'r-tabs-state-active',
stateDisabled: 'r-tabs-state-disabled',
stateExcluded: 'r-tabs-state-excluded',
container: 'r-tabs',
ul: 'r-tabs-nav',
tab: 'r-tabs-tab',
anchor: 'r-tabs-anchor',
panel: 'r-tabs-panel',
accordionTitle: 'r-tabs-accordion-title'
* Responsive Tabs
* @constructor
* @param {object} element - The HTML element the validator should be bound to
* @param {object} options - An option map
function ResponsiveTabs(element, options) {
this.element = element; // Selected DOM element
this.$element = $(element); // Selected jQuery element
this.tabs = []; // Create tabs array
this.state = ''; // Define the plugin state (tabs/accordion)
this.rotateInterval = 0; // Define rotate interval
this.$queue = $({});
// Extend the defaults with the passed options
this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options);
* This function initializes the tab plugin
ResponsiveTabs.prototype.init = function () {
var _this = this;
// Load all the elements
this.tabs = this._loadElements();
// Window resize bind to check state
$(window).on('resize', function(e) {
if(_this.options.fluidHeight !== true) {
// Hashchange event
$(window).on('hashchange', function(e) {
var tabRef = _this._getTabRefBySelector(window.location.hash);
var oTab = _this._getTab(tabRef);
// Check if a tab is found that matches the hash
if(tabRef >= 0 && !oTab._ignoreHashChange && !oTab.disabled) {
// If so, open the tab and auto close the current one
_this._openTab(e, _this._getTab(tabRef), true);
// Start rotate event if rotate option is defined
if(this.options.rotate !== false) {
// Set fluid height
if(this.options.fluidHeight !== true) {
// --------------------
// Define plugin events
// Activate: this event is called when a tab is selected
this.$element.bind('tabs-click', function(e, oTab) {
_this.options.click.call(this, e, oTab);
// Activate: this event is called when a tab is selected
this.$element.bind('tabs-activate', function(e, oTab) {
_this.options.activate.call(this, e, oTab);
// Deactivate: this event is called when a tab is closed
this.$element.bind('tabs-deactivate', function(e, oTab) {
_this.options.deactivate.call(this, e, oTab);
// Activate State: this event is called when the plugin switches states
this.$element.bind('tabs-activate-state', function(e, state) {
_this.options.activateState.call(this, e, state);
// Load: this event is called when the plugin has been loaded
this.$element.bind('tabs-load', function(e) {
var startTab;
_this._setState(e); // Set state
// Check if the panel should be collaped on load
if(_this.options.startCollapsed !== true && !(_this.options.startCollapsed === 'accordion' && _this.state === 'accordion')) {
startTab = _this._getStartTab();
// Open the initial tab
_this._openTab(e, startTab); // Open first tab
// Call the callback function
_this.options.load.call(this, e, startTab); // Call the load callback
// Trigger loaded event
* This function loads the tab elements and stores them in an array
* @returns {Array} Array of tab elements
ResponsiveTabs.prototype._loadElements = function() {
var _this = this;
var $ul = this.$element.children('ul:first');
var tabs = [];
var id = 0;
// Add the classes to the basic html elements
this.$element.addClass(_this.options.classes.container); // Tab container
$ul.addClass(_this.options.classes.ul); // List container
// Get tab buttons and store their data in an array
$('li', $ul).each(function() {
var $tab = $(this);
var isExcluded = $tab.hasClass(_this.options.classes.stateExcluded);
var $anchor, $panel, $accordionTab, $accordionAnchor, panelSelector;
// Check if the tab should be excluded
if(!isExcluded) {
$anchor = $('a', $tab);
panelSelector = $anchor.attr('href');
$panel = $(panelSelector);
$accordionTab = $(_this.options.accordionTabElement).insertBefore($panel);
$accordionAnchor = $('').attr('href', panelSelector).html($anchor.html()).appendTo($accordionTab);
var oTab = {
_ignoreHashChange: false,
id: id,
disabled: ($.inArray(id, _this.options.disabled) !== -1),
tab: $(this),
anchor: $('a', $tab),
panel: $panel,
selector: panelSelector,
accordionTab: $accordionTab,
accordionAnchor: $accordionAnchor,
active: false
// 1up the ID
// Add to tab array
return tabs;
* This function adds classes to the tab elements based on the options
ResponsiveTabs.prototype._loadClasses = function() {
for (var i=0; i= 0 && !this._getTab(tabRef).disabled) {
// If so, set the current tab to the linked tab
startTab = this._getTab(tabRef);
} else if(this.options.active > 0 && !this._getTab(this.options.active).disabled) {
startTab = this._getTab(this.options.active);
} else {
// If not, just get the first one
startTab = this._getTab(0);
return startTab;
* This function sets the current state of the plugin
* @param {Event} e - The event that triggers the state change
ResponsiveTabs.prototype._setState = function(e) {
var $ul = $('ul:first', this.$element);
var oldState = this.state;
var startCollapsedIsState = (typeof this.options.startCollapsed === 'string');
var startTab;
// The state is based on the visibility of the tabs list
// Tab list is visible, so the state is 'tabs'
this.state = 'tabs';
} else {
// Tab list is invisible, so the state is 'accordion'
this.state = 'accordion';
// If the new state is different from the old state
if(this.state !== oldState) {
// If so, the state activate trigger must be called
this.$element.trigger('tabs-activate-state', {oldState: oldState, newState: this.state});
// Check if the state switch should open a tab
if(oldState && startCollapsedIsState && this.options.startCollapsed !== this.state && this._getCurrentTab() === undefined) {
// Get initial tab
startTab = this._getStartTab(e);
// Open the initial tab
this._openTab(e, startTab); // Open first tab
* This function opens a tab
* @param {Event} e - The event that triggers the tab opening
* @param {Object} oTab - The tab object that should be opened
* @param {Boolean} closeCurrent - Defines if the current tab should be closed
* @param {Boolean} stopRotation - Defines if the tab rotation loop should be stopped
ResponsiveTabs.prototype._openTab = function(e, oTab, closeCurrent, stopRotation) {
var _this = this;
var scrollOffset;
// Check if the current tab has to be closed
if(closeCurrent) {
this._closeTab(e, this._getCurrentTab());
// Check if the rotation has to be stopped when activated
if(stopRotation && this.rotateInterval > 0) {
// Set this tab to active
oTab.active = true;
// Set active classes to the tab button and accordion tab button
// Run panel transiton
_this._doTransition(oTab.panel, _this.options.animation, 'open', function() {
var scrollOnLoad = (e.type !== 'tabs-load' || _this.options.scrollToAccordionOnLoad);
// When finished, set active class to the panel
// And if enabled and state is accordion, scroll to the accordion tab
if(_this.getState() === 'accordion' && _this.options.scrollToAccordion && (!_this._isInView(oTab.accordionTab) || _this.options.animation !== 'default') && scrollOnLoad) {
// Add offset element's height to scroll position
scrollOffset = oTab.accordionTab.offset().top - _this.options.scrollToAccordionOffset;
// Check if the animation option is enabled, and if the duration isn't 0
if(_this.options.animation !== 'default' && _this.options.duration > 0) {
// If so, set scrollTop with animate and use the 'animation' duration
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: scrollOffset
}, _this.options.duration);
} else {
// If not, just set scrollTop
$('html, body').scrollTop(scrollOffset);
this.$element.trigger('tabs-activate', oTab);
* This function closes a tab
* @param {Event} e - The event that is triggered when a tab is closed
* @param {Object} oTab - The tab object that should be closed
ResponsiveTabs.prototype._closeTab = function(e, oTab) {
var _this = this;
var doQueueOnState = typeof _this.options.animationQueue === 'string';
var doQueue;
if(oTab !== undefined) {
if(doQueueOnState && _this.getState() === _this.options.animationQueue) {
doQueue = true;
} else if(doQueueOnState) {
doQueue = false;
} else {
doQueue = _this.options.animationQueue;
// Deactivate tab
oTab.active = false;
// Set default class to the tab button
// Run panel transition
_this._doTransition(oTab.panel, _this.options.animation, 'close', function() {
// Set default class to the accordion tab button and tab panel
}, !doQueue);
this.$element.trigger('tabs-deactivate', oTab);
* This function runs an effect on a panel
* @param {Element} panel - The HTML element of the tab panel
* @param {String} method - The transition method reference
* @param {String} state - The state (open/closed) that the panel should transition to
* @param {Function} callback - The callback function that is called after the transition
* @param {Boolean} dequeue - Defines if the event queue should be dequeued after the transition
ResponsiveTabs.prototype._doTransition = function(panel, method, state, callback, dequeue) {
var effect;
var _this = this;
// Get effect based on method
switch(method) {
case 'slide':
effect = (state === 'open') ? 'slideDown' : 'slideUp';
case 'fade':
effect = (state === 'open') ? 'fadeIn' : 'fadeOut';
effect = (state === 'open') ? 'show' : 'hide';
// When default is used, set the duration to 0
_this.options.duration = 0;
// Add the transition to a custom queue
// Run the transition on the panel
duration: _this.options.duration,
complete: function() {
// Call the callback function
callback.call(panel, method, state);
// Run the next function in the queue
// When the panel is openend, dequeue everything so the animation starts
if(state === 'open' || dequeue) {
* This function returns the collapsibility of the tab in this state
* @returns {Boolean} The collapsibility of the tab
ResponsiveTabs.prototype._isCollapisble = function() {
return (typeof this.options.collapsible === 'boolean' && this.options.collapsible) || (typeof this.options.collapsible === 'string' && this.options.collapsible === this.getState());
* This function returns a tab by numeric reference
* @param {Integer} numRef - Numeric tab reference
* @returns {Object} Tab object
ResponsiveTabs.prototype._getTab = function(numRef) {
return this.tabs[numRef];
* This function returns the numeric tab reference based on a hash selector
* @param {String} selector - Hash selector
* @returns {Integer} Numeric tab reference
ResponsiveTabs.prototype._getTabRefBySelector = function(selector) {
// Loop all tabs
for (var i=0; i= docViewTop));
* This function activates a tab
* @param {Integer} tabRef - Numeric tab reference
* @param {Boolean} stopRotation - Defines if the tab rotation should stop after activation
ResponsiveTabs.prototype.activate = function(tabRef, stopRotation) {
var e = jQuery.Event('tabs-activate');
var oTab = this._getTab(tabRef);
if(!oTab.disabled) {
this._openTab(e, oTab, true, stopRotation || true);
* This function deactivates a tab
* @param {Integer} tabRef - Numeric tab reference
ResponsiveTabs.prototype.deactivate = function(tabRef) {
var e = jQuery.Event('tabs-dectivate');
var oTab = this._getTab(tabRef);
if(!oTab.disabled) {
this._closeTab(e, oTab);
* This function enables a tab
* @param {Integer} tabRef - Numeric tab reference
ResponsiveTabs.prototype.enable = function(tabRef) {
var oTab = this._getTab(tabRef);
oTab.disabled = false;
* This function disable a tab
* @param {Integer} tabRef - Numeric tab reference
ResponsiveTabs.prototype.disable = function(tabRef) {
var oTab = this._getTab(tabRef);
oTab.disabled = true;
* This function gets the current state of the plugin
* @returns {String} State of the plugin
ResponsiveTabs.prototype.getState = function() {
return this.state;
* This function starts the rotation of the tabs
* @param {Integer} speed - The speed of the rotation
ResponsiveTabs.prototype.startRotation = function(speed) {
var _this = this;
// Make sure not all tabs are disabled
if(this.tabs.length > this.options.disabled.length) {
this.rotateInterval = setInterval(function(){
var e = jQuery.Event('rotate');
_this._openTab(e, _this._getTab(_this._getNextTabRef()), true);
}, speed || (($.isNumeric(_this.options.rotate)) ? _this.options.rotate : 4000) );
} else {
throw new Error("Rotation is not possible if all tabs are disabled");
* This function stops the rotation of the tabs
ResponsiveTabs.prototype.stopRotation = function() {
this.rotateInterval = 0;
* This function can be used to get/set options
* @return {any} Option value
ResponsiveTabs.prototype.option = function(key, value) {
if(value) {
this.options[key] = value;
return this.options[key];
/** jQuery wrapper */
$.fn.responsiveTabs = function ( options ) {
var args = arguments;
var instance;
if (options === undefined || typeof options === 'object') {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, 'responsivetabs')) {
$.data(this, 'responsivetabs', new ResponsiveTabs( this, options ));
} else if (typeof options === 'string' && options[0] !== '_' && options !== 'init') {
instance = $.data(this[0], 'responsivetabs');
// Allow instances to be destroyed via the 'destroy' method
if (options === 'destroy') {
// TODO: destroy instance classes, etc
$.data(this, 'responsivetabs', null);
if (instance instanceof ResponsiveTabs && typeof instance[options] === 'function') {
return instance[options].apply( instance, Array.prototype.slice.call( args, 1 ) );
} else {
return this;
}(jQuery, window));